Tom is Chief Scientist with Plant Nutrition Canada, providing science-based support to industry organizations in advancing nutrient stewardship. He has worked in agronomy and soil science for over 38 years, contributing to knowledge on the interactions of crop nutrition with health-functional foods, greenhouse gas emissions, air quality, and eutrophication in Lake Erie.
He has supported nutrient stewardship certification programs in the United States and Canada and international initiatives in the sustainable management of nitrogen and phosphorus. From 1994 to 2019, he served with the Potash & Phosphate Institute, which grew into the International Plant Nutrition Institute. His experience includes research in precision farming (University of Minnesota, 1994), subtropical cropping systems (Mennonite Central Committee Bangladesh, 1986-1990), and maize physiology (University of Guelph, 1985-1986). Tom received his PhD in Soil Science from Cornell University and his MSc in Crop Science from the University of Guelph. He has been recognized as a Fellow by the American Society of Agronomy, the Soil Science Society of America, and the Canadian Society of Agronomy.