Promoting sustainable agriculture through responsible plant nutrition
As the Scientific Panel on Responsible Plant Nutrition, our mission is to promote a sustainable future based on healthy lives, environmental protection, and improved livelihoods. To enhance Earth’s capacity to support well-being, we are advancing responsible plant nutrition practices.
We recognize the biological interplay between nutrient cycles, plant and soil health, food security, biodiversity, climate change, and overall well-being. Better understanding the links between plant nutrition practices and sustainability outcomes will help us achieve our mission.
This is why our work focuses on integrating and communicating scientific knowledge through different formats and channels. We aim to guide policies, inform organisations and practitioners, raise awareness in consumers, and drive global partnerships to improve our planet.
Watch the SPRPN members explaining their motivations to work on the panel
Aligning our objectives with the Sustainability Development Goals
Good health and zero hunger
We are committed to advancing plant nutrition practices to provide nutrient-rich food while safeguarding the environment. By optimizing the nutritional health of soils and plants, we envision to produce high-quality crops, nourishing foods, and sustainable fuels that support healthy lives and livelihoods.
Food security and sustainability
We acknowledge that nutrient flows are intertwined with various critical factors, including food security, human health, farmers’ incomes, and climate stability. We work towards minimizing the negative impact of global nutrient cycles on biodiversity, air quality, and climate change. The aim is to ensure the resilience of Earth’s ecosystems with the upcoming food demands of our growing population.
Education and learning opportunities
As advocates of responsible plant nutrition, we aim to bridge the gap between scientific discoveries and actionable guidelines. We disseminate evidence-based insights with our publications, articles and briefs. These distributions aim to empower policymakers, food traders, service providers, and consumers to comprehend the significance of responsible plant nutrition for achieving healthy lives and environmental conservation.
Responsible production and consumption
Through our publications, we raise awareness on sustainable plant nutrition practices among different target audiences. By elucidating the connection between plant and soil health, crop productivity, and food quality, we aspire to make scientific evidence accessible and guide the implementation of responsible nutrition strategies within food systems.
Climate action
Responsible plant nutrition strives to strike a balance between the benefits of nutrient management and the potential natural threats posed by nutrient losses. We support concepts like the 4R Nutrient Stewardship and Integrated Soil Fertility Management, while also advocating for holistic approaches. In our publications, we advocate to use solely fertilizers that reduce the emission of gashouse gases, thus combatting climate change and its impacts.
Life on land
Protecting the environment requires everyone to do their share to halt biodiversity loss and support Earth’s ecosystems. A sustainable plant nutrition practice ensures Earth’s resilience to maintain changes in biodiversity by improving soil health and saving it from losing nutrients. We aim to educate on sustainable management practices to support farmers and companies protecting their local ecosystems.
Global partnerships
We are an international panel of scientists dedicated to offering science-based insights into responsible plant nutrition approaches. By synthesizing evidence, fostering discussions on critical matters, and advising on research, outreach, and policy needs, we contribute to global assessments of nutrient use efficiency and the future demands for fertilizers.
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Embracing the Sustainable Development Goals, we recognize the necessity of challenging conventional practices and mindsets. We question established norms, offer innovative solutions, and advocate for novel principles that enhance soil health, air and water purity, climate stability, and ecosystem equilibrium. The goal is always to contribute to a sustainable and protecting coexistence between people and the planet.

As a scientific panel, we aim to establish a strong scientific foundation for responsible plant nutrition principles and practices. By advising the global plant nutrition industry, stakeholders, and policy-makers, we endeavor to guide nutrient and soil fertility management programs, stimulate innovation, and address pressing challenges such as biodiversity loss and climate change.
Our ultimate aspiration is to encourage the transition towards sustainable practices while protecting the stability and resilience of Earth’s ecosystems for current and future generations.